About us

Your light, Your day.
You’re off to great places, today is your day.
The sun shines on you, brightness, confidence, devotion and care.

Langa Lakho is a vision, not just a business.

The best beauty solutions starts with nutrition and good food… In the kitchen with natural ingredients. Why? This is where Wendy, founder of Langa Lakho developed an interest in natural home-made solutions for her own hair.

About six years ago, she started getting headaches after people touched her scalp. Eventually, going to a salon was not possible any more. She then started learning to maintain her own hair. When she started growing dreadlocks, she learnt to wash, condition, moisturise and treat the locks. This is where the ‘kitchen’ comes into the picture.

She started to mix her own oil treatments from products in her own kitchen and bathroom.

Essential oils, spices, gels and seeds all found their way into these experiments. Slowly but surely family and friends saw the results and also wanted her “home-made kitchen solutions”.

In 2019, after spending twenty five years in the financial sector, she made a decision to take the products out of the kitchen and focused on developing Langa Lakho as a business. Over the years Wendy developed products not only for hair, but for skin, stretch marks, eye lashes, soaps, scrubs, gels, and others, all based on natural organic essential oils, and ingredients.

Today Langa Lakho produces 100% natural products for hair and skin so you can also experience extraordinary results. 

Langa Lakho’s philosophy is that all healing is based on nature’s power. Every day ingredients, spices and extracts that are found in the pantry are good for your body and health, but guess what, they are also beneficial for skin and hair.

We include only natural ingredients in our products, to ensure that you will indeed be able to provide the best for your hair and skin. Our range will not only let your light shine, but will build your confidence. There’s no need for you to make use of artificial products or fake hair and nails… We believe in enhancing the natural beauty that you were born with.

Langa Lakho constantly develops new products to solve real problems for real people.  We are proud of the quality and purity of our products.  We aim to provide our customers with products that are beneficial to their hair, skin and body which will install healthy and daily ritual of simple self-care. The ritual to us started as a DIY and the benefits have been incredible.